telegram channel monetization

Telegram Channel Monetization – 6 Easy Steps To Monetize A Telegram Channel.

How To Monetize & Earn Money From Telegram Channel.

Telegram is a social media platform that has risen to become one of the most used apps in recent times. A contributing factor to this is the features that Telegram comes with and how easy it is to earn money from the app.

Yes, there are so many ways to earn money using the Telegram app. It even becomes easier if you own a Telegram channel. If you’ve not begun earning money from your telegram channel, then you really need to read this article.

In this article, you will be reading about ways you can earn money from your telegram channel and how that can be done. This article promises to be an eye-opener, don’t miss reading a word! Let’s get into it already!

How To Earn Money From Telegram Channel

Here are six ways you can make money from your telegram channel:

1. Apply For Telegram Monetization

In April, Telegram announced via their official website launched their monetization feature for Telegram channel owners. Yes, if you didn’t know, now you can make money on Telegram when you get approved for their monetization.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for Telegram monetization, you need to have at least 1000 subscribers on your Telegram channel. In some cases, even with 1000 subscribers on your telegram-channel, you may still not be approved for monetization.

Well, this would be a result of your channel’s active status. Generally, advertisers prioritize active telegram channels over inactive telegram channels. So, before you’re granted monetization, ensure that your channel is active.

How To Check If Your Channel Is Eligible

To check if your telegram-channel is eligible for monetization, follow these steps:

Step 1. Login to your telegram-channel with the same details submitted during the signup process.

Step 2. Click on “Channels” Settings.

Step 3. Tap on the “Statistics” button.

Step 4. Click on the “Monetization” tab that is displayed just after the “Statistics” and “Boost” tabs.

If you have 1000 subscribers and an active channel, you’ll be able to access the balance and breakdown of your rewards. You’ll also be granted access to turn off ads if you want. However, if your account has not been approved, then none of these will be available to you.

2. Affiliate Marketing

One of the best ways to make money is through affiliate marketing. Yes, you can advertise your affiliate marketing links on your telegram channel and make money off it.

Unlike other social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram which may restrict your post reach when you post affiliate links, telegram is far from them. With Telegram, you can advertise your product freely without any fear of restrictions.

To increase your chances of getting leads, you should make sure that you have a telegram channel with thousands or hundreds of contacts. That way, you could make a huge amount of money from affiliate marketing using your telegram channel.

3. Engage In Cryptocurrency Airdrops

It is no longer news that a lot of cryptocurrency projects begin by launching their airdrops on telegram. So, this means that you could earn money from participating in tasks that come with these airdrops.

Many individuals have made huge money by just looking out for prospective cryptocurrency airdrops and engaging in these tasks. Some cryptocurrency tasks may need you to invite your friends to their telegram-channel, others may ask you to perform certain activities using telegram bots.

Regardless of how these tasks may come, you could earn large sums of money. However, before you delve into this venture, remember that some cryptocurrency airdrops may turn out to be scams. It is pertinent that you make a thorough investigation about any cryptocurrency airdrop project you decide to engage in.

4. Flipping Telegram Channels

If you have the special skill of creating telegram channels, then you can make money from flipping telegram channels. Many individuals in search of a large audience to sell their products may decide to buy your telegram-channel to promote their products.

This is a buzzing market you can delve into and thrive in. The only drawback to this is that it would require time on your part to create a telegram channel with a high audience.

However, once you have achieved that, you could sell these channels at a reasonable price to a buyer. Now imagine selling five highly engaging telegram channels. You could be a millionaire at the end of the day!

5. Making Sponsored Posts

Making sponsored posts is another great way to make money on your telegram channel. This is one of the best ways to make money from telegram. You can get paid by companies or small business owners to advertise their goods or services.

It works similarly to how it is done in other social media platforms. As a telegram owner, you may get paid depending on how people respond to the sponsored posts or you may get paid depending on the amount of contacts you have on your telegram channel.

However, the case may be. Making sponsored posts provides a great way to earn passive income on your telegram channel. So go ahead and create a Telegram channel now.

6. Taking A Virtual Class

One feature of Telegram that makes it great for taking a virtual class is that it has the capability to allow thousands of contacts into a group.

This gives it an edge over WhatsApp and other similar social platforms. So, you could leverage this feature to carry out a virtual class on telegram and earn money. 

So, do you wish to take an online cooking class or a how-to class? If so, then telegram is the best platform for that. You can earn huge money thanks to this feature of telegram. Just try it and see the difference!


There you have it! You have seen how easy it is to make money on your telegram channel. Well, it is important to remember that, the key to earning huge amounts using the methods outlined above is to have a telegram channel with a high audience reach.

With that, you can earn as much money as you want on your telegram channel. At first, it won’t be easy at the beginning, but the consistency will surely pay off if you don’t stop growing your channel. I wish you well as you take up the challenge to build a Telegram channel and monetize it.

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