kwikaweb reviews

Kwikaweb Reviews: Pricing, User Ratings, The Pros And Cons Of The H0sting

 Kwikaweb Reviews – The Ultimate Reviews And User Rating About The Website Hosting.

Fortunately, the internet has undergone a rapid change compared to what we had a few years ago. Then, you would need to hire a programmer to get a live website, but that is not the case today as you can easily get your website live by acquiring a domain and hosting.

While a domain is commonly known as a website address/name, the hosting solely allows you to store your website data; images, content, and other data you need to successfully run a website.

Additionally, there are other things aside from domain and hosting that should not be excluded when getting a live website. This is where Kwikaweb reviews come in. This article discusses everything you need to know about the Kwikaweb domain and hosting.

Domain And Hosting Packages

Basically, a domain and hosting comes first in acquiring a new website just as I stated earlier, and getting a better domain and hosting package might quite be troubling.

Well, you do not need to start worrying about where to get a better domain and hosting package. Kwikaweb has been providing its end users with the best domain and hosting packages. 

Unlike other brands, there are a lot of reasons that would make you want to go for Kwikaweb services. The reasons include pricing, customer support, packages, quality, features, and every other detail you need to know about Kwikaweb.

Why Do I Need Kwikaweb Services?

The hosting company offers quite affordable and worthwhile hosting packages ranging from VPS to servers for multifunctional websites.

With its best integration with WordPress, affordable packages, and 24/7 standby customer service, you can tell from the look of things how reliable it is to get Kwikaweb services.

What Services Does Kwikaweb Offer?

Kwikaweb is offering multiple services for hosting and domain packages. Below is the list of services the company provides:

● Domain
● Hosting Plans
● WordPress features
● Customer Support

1. Domain –

Kwikaweb domains are typically cost-effective at different extensions. .com domain is not the same price as The below are Kwikaweb domain extension prices –
● .com – N24,378/year

.org – N16,991 / year

● .net – N30,288 / year

● – N3,000 / year

.ng – N9,500 / year

.biz – N37,676/ year

.info – N49,496 / year

2. Hosting –

Currently, Kwikaweb offers four hosting packages; starter, standard, advanced, and Pro with the four having different attached features. We will talk about the two most affordable.

1. Kwikaweb Starter Hosting Plan –

Kwikaweb starter hosting plan fits small-scale businesses with its reliable features. The starter hosting plan has 10GB Disk space (SSD), can host just one website, 1GB memory RAM, and 10 subdomains.

With 30 FTP users, the hosting plan has a free SSL certificate which helps in malware protection of hosted websites as opposed to other companies’ hosting.

The starter hosting plan allows users to manage their WordPress account through the cPanel despite its packages/features being considered a minimum. The Kwikaweb starter hosting plan is valued at $2.45 or N3,620 per month.

2. Kwikaweb Standard Hosting Plan –

Kwikaweb Standard hosting plan is the ideal hosting plan for larger-scale businesses. Its packages include 2GB memory RAM, can host 5 websites, unlimited subdomains with 20GB disk space, and a plethora of worthwhile packages.

As opposed to other standard hosting plans offered by different businesses, Kwikaweb scales as one of the best. Kwikaweb’s standard hosting plan is valued at $3.50 or N5,175 per month.

3. WordPress –

Other than hosting and domain, Kwikaweb also offers WordPress packages. Moreover, these packages are not provided by the company as a single package, they are attached to the hosting packages (starter and standard plans).

However, for you to access any of these WordPress packages, you need to purchase a hosting plan from Kwikaweb.

4. Customer Support –

Businesses making provision for customer service 24/7 stand the most chance of earning customer satisfaction. Kwikaweb needs to make time to solve clients’ inquiries.

Kwikaweb answers their clients within 2 days of sending a message. Also, they do not have active customer care phone numbers. This is poor from our reckoning!

Customer Support Overview:

  • No customer care phone number 
  • Live chat is available 24/7, even during the holidays.
  • Social media channels: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

Our Score: 3/10 rated!

5. Performance Test:

Arguably, you need the best server for satisfaction, uptime, SEO, and loading speed. We strongly recommend Kwikaweb as the company has been able to maintain a high-level standard of the above-mentioned tests.

6. Uptime:

Before recommending any server for any end users, we have always considered the server’s uptime as it is necessary for your site to be live 24/7.

The uptime of a site reduces when the server is not live, and we recommend you fly from such a server.

Claims from Kwikaweb state that their server uptime in a year is 99.9%. Well, to clear our doubts, we checked some reviews online. This helped us check how many times the site went down due to faults such as maintenance, power outages, emergency shutdowns, natural crises, EMF waves, and others for 2 months.

The results of this test are below.

Our Score: 7/10. There were not many negative reviews about the site of Kwikaweb on the internet. However, it was not down for too long

7. Response Time Of The Server:  

The response time of the server tells the time it takes to fetch information from the server to a user. To measure the Kwikaweb server, we used a free tool, Bitcache as it was the only available tool then we could use it to measure the interval between the client’s request and the server’s response.
The result of the test is below.

Our Analysis From Response Time of the Server:

Across the following countries; France, Germany, Canada, and England, the server was not that fast but as expected from Kwikaweb, it was okay.

Our Score: 9/10 rated.

Kwikaweb VS Other Hosting Companies

There are other hosting companies we will compare with Kwikaweb later on in this guide –

Kwikaweb VS Bluehost:

Firstly, let us compare it with Bluehost as both companies are good at their places. 

Hosting Prices:

BlueHost charges 2.79$ for the starter account and Kwikaweb charges $2.45 for the basic account.
BlueHost offers a free WordPress builder + free SSL certificate.


Both servers offer reliable features for their end users. Moreover, Bluehost offers more features as opposed to Kwikaweb. If you have enough money, you can go for Bluehost, otherwise you can still use Kwikaweb.

Kwikaweb VS Namecheap:

Namecheap is one of the best server providers currently.

Hosting Prices:
NameCheap costs 4.8$ with no WordPress, no WordPress builder, no SSL, no 24/7 support, and no WordPress optimization. Kwikaweb offers all these aside from WordPress builder but for $2.45 only.


Both Kwikaweb and Namecheap offer their best services, it is up to the one you want. We have stated the price for each others’ services above, check it out and go for what suits your budget.

The Pros 

Before the takeaways of Kwikaweb’s pros and cons:

Unmetered Bandwidth

Kwikaweb’s hosting comes with unmetered bandwidth. This package helps in increasing your

site’s speed. Moreover, Kwikaweb does not charge extra fees for unmetered bandwidth.

SSL Certificate

SSL Certificate is necessary for site security. It tells the search engine how secure your site is and that you have your visitors’ data secured. Kwikaweb has an SSL certificate for all their hosting plan.

The Cons

Accepted Currency

Accepting a single currency in business for a wide regional users has always brought about a huge slap on the face. Kwikaweb is only accepting payment in Nigerian Naira and US Dollars.

Reasons To Choose Kwikaweb: 

Here are the reasons to choose Kwikaweb:

WordPress Builder

Kwikaweb has a free WordPress Builder which has a dedicated WordPress design tool with a user-friendly interface that allows users to create websites on a simple drag-and-drop basis.

This builder does not require any coding skills. You can easily compile a PHP code for your site using this drag-and-drop feature.

Free SSL certificate

Kwikaweb has free SSL which is another reason to go for their server. Their SSL certificate does not require any configuration as it has already been set for use.

Conclusion | Do We Recommend Kwikaweb?

Upon reading this review to this point, we are certain you have your answer regarding whether you would like to use Kwikaweb’s server. Well, in short answer for us, YES! We recommend Kwikaweb as we have immensely reviewed their services and found them worthwhile for our end users.

We are recommending Kwikaweb because of the quality, pricing, and packages they have to offer. However, we have already addressed what is worth addressing about Kwikaweb in this guide. Take your time to go over the details again.

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